Independent Schools Update 2024

We want to take a moment to express our gratitude to all the independent schools using Compass. Your loyalty and trust in our software solutions mean the world to us. It’s because of your continued support and dedication to excellence in education that we are inspired to innovate and improve continually. Thank you for being such an integral part of our community. We have some exciting updates to share that we have implemented in 2024 and to give you an insight into what is on the horizon to better help you plan.

NEW: Update Medical Details (with an external SIS)

We are excited to announce parents will be able to update their students medical details in Compass directly for school approval and automatically publish in People Management.

We will be looking for schools to trial this soon. To register your interest, please email

NEW: Enrolments and 3rd Parties

Compass offers an Enrolment solution for Compass SIS schools using the recently released Enrolments V2 Pro module, many schools however already have an existing enrolments package that they wish to continue using so we’ve identified the 3 main providers in Australia to integrate with further driving efficiency in our partnering schools.

Compass has finished work on the new API to support import of student and family data from external enrolment packages. We are working closely with EnrolHQ, Digistorm and EnquiryTracker to support their product development in creating an integration pathway back to Compass from their respective products. Once product development is completed by these vendors and they have completed our testing requirements, they will be ready for market.

*Please note the EnrolmentsV2 PRO module is required for the API.

NEW: Photo Publishing Permissions, Alerts and Medication Consent mapping from Synergetic

Contact us to have the photo publishing alert flag, alerts and medication consent available in sickbay enabled for your portal.

*Please note we are in the process of releasing this to all markets over the next couple of months, early availability is subject to Compasslink release to your region.
*This is not available for ICON integrations, only direct on-premise Synergetic integrations via Compasslink.

Available for early Access: New Student Profile Uplift

As part of our ongoing work to uplift Compass to our new design language, we have uplifted the Student Profile page.

What’s changed?

  • Chronicle Pins have a new icon.
  • Tools, communications and adding notes have their own dedicated buttons above the students’ photos.
  • Other tabs are now widescreen.
  • New Schedule widget which also shows the current time.
  • Coming Soon: Ability to add pulse widgets to students’ pages.

*Platform wide, mandatory update release ETA July.

Coming Soon: Feed

We are working on the largest update to Newsfeed ever!

  • Filtering in web
  • Save items on the web
  • New look brought to Mobile
  • Chronicle integration
  • Quick observations directly to parents
  • Reactions and Comments
  • Share chronicle posts with Parents via feed
  • See who has seen the newsfeed post

This is expected to be released later this year and is in it’s early stages of development.

Did you know: Update details via Compass Enrolments (Compass as the SIS)

If your school uses Compass as it’s primary SIS, did you know you can use the Compass enrolments module to allow parents to update all their details which then creates a pending changes in People Management? If you want to know more please contact

Integration Partners

Learning Management Systems
  • Canvas
  • Schoolbox
  • Toddle
  • Coming Soon: TurnItIn for Compass Learning Tasks
Management Systems
  • Microsoft School Data Sync (NEW: V2.1)
  • Hapara Teacher Dashboard
Timetable Packages
  • Griddle – multiuser cloud timetabling by Compass
  • Edval
  • Timetabling Solutions V10
Co-Curricular Packages
  • Clipboard
  • Coming Soon: Clipboard activity writeback into Compass
Billing and Finance Integrations
  • NEW: Xero
  • Sage Intacct
  • TechnologyOne

Thank you for taking the time to read this article, please keep an eye on your Compass portal for a blog post regarding updates to NCCD and CENSUS in Compass!

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