At Compass, we understand how stressful examination periods can be, not only for the candidates sitting exams, but also for the Exams officers and senior leadership staff who organise and supervise them.
The impact of exam stress is not limited to students alone; it affects the well-being of teachers as well. In fact, studies conducted in the UK indicate that during exam periods, 45% of teachers reported experiencing high levels of stress (according to a survey by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, ATL).
With this in mind, we’ve designed our exams module to make exam time much simpler, with intuitive workflows and automatic mark sheet creation.
Let’s start by creating an exams season. With Compass’ wizard-like functionality, creating a season and importing base data takes only a few clicks, and our contemporary user interface is light on the eyes, making all of that exams data much easier to view.
Using both of our Exams and Course Manager (more on that module in another blog post!) modules combined, Compass facilitates automatic mark sheet creation, and automatically pushes mark sheets to the relevant subjects. This allows teaching staff to record which students in their class will be sitting which exams in the season, eliminating the need for back and forth between them and the exams officers, as everything is logged in the one place.
Bringing all of this back together, our timetabling functionality gives users the ability to resolve clashes, assign rooms & seats, allocate invigilators to sessions and publish statements of entries and timetables to students, complete with email notifications and printable seating plans.
And finally, rounding off the entire process is our Results import dashboard, which flags any errors encountered in results files and restricts access to imported results to the relevant staff members who are exempt from any embargo, before publishing to the wider school community.
The summer exam season is almost at a close, but if you’d like to take a sneak peek at our Exams module before putting it to the test, reach out to book a demonstration with one of our friendly team members!